Re:Happy New Year(s) 🎉

Learning what to say yes to means learning what to say no to

2 min readJan 3, 2020


Re:Happy New Year(s).

Every moment is a new moment to say no what needs to be left behind and to say yes to your wildest fears.

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You know what’s scary, being broke, mad, sad, stressed, tired and underpaid as an employee.

But peep it, you know who can change that?



And guess, when you can change.

Naw, I’ll wait…

Now. Not now but right now.

Like instantly.

So if you can change what you’ve been saying yes to, the thangs that don’t serve you well, why don’t you?


But it’s necessary.

Say yes to what you want to do.

Say yes to that idea you been had but never really moved on.

We think it’s scary to start a business and we may lose money, friends, time, effort and if it doesn’t work, what will the people, family. lovers and followers think.

Yea, that’s a lil scary.

But remember what I said earlier, it’s scary to be broke, mad, sad, stressed, tired and underpaid as an employee, so why not be all that but en route to your own riches to alleviate that pain and take the risk of success?

Do it. Fail at it. Win at it and do all that again and again.

Start that business or side hustle, build that second and third stream of income. It will be worth the fear. It will be worth saying yes to.

Do that and hindsight 20/20 will be real strong.

Happy Hustling.

Ready to start your thing? I’ll help you. Check out my new resource course Freedom from the iPhone.




Product Designer. I help you start your side hustle or new business easily and quickly.